Friday, December 7, 2007

#20 Discovering Other Web 2.0 Tools

Alright, so I started out by trying out the game sites since I love games. Arcaplay had some potential but after leaving the site I was never able to get it to load again. Not sure what the problem is there. All the other game sites were not really worth bothering with. I'd suggest just going to Shockwave or Pogo.

Next I fooled around with Pandora. This is a site I've used before. You enter a song name or artist and it plays music similar to that song or artist. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly why the song was picked though. I swear one time it told me the background music was similar. It's possible to find some good music with this application. I know come of your younger patrons would like that it pulls up J-Pop artists.

Neither of these areas, games or music, seem very helpful to libraries. N=but the only other thing I was interested in was books and the sites for those weren't anything I liked.

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