Thursday, November 15, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0...

I read "Into a new world of librarianship" and "Away from the “icebergs”".

"Into a new world of librarianship" kinda scared me. I think it was the way Stephens kept saying "this librarian". I don't know, it just creeped me out. I felt the urge to back away slowly.

"Away from the “icebergs”" though, that one I liked. Not creepy at all. Anderson made a good point about the "jusy in case" collection. We spend money on books that our patrons just might need and many of them sit on the shelf rarely, if ever, getting used. I find myself dealing with this in my Graphic Novel and Manga ordering. There are items I think are good and worth adding, items that patrons request, and new or best selling item recommendations. But just because I want read something doesn't mean anyone else will. Or just because something is a best seller doesn't mean anyone at my library is going to want to check it out.

As far as user education goes, I love patrons who try to learn on their own. The ones who actually attempt to find a book before coming to us for help. And I mean a good attempt. Looking up diffent keywords and actually searching the shelves. Not the people who try one search, give up, and then come and ask us. I understand that we are here to help and teach them, but the ones who try to learn on their own are the ones I love most.

Well that was kinda tangenty.

To me Library 2.0 means knowing how to use the latest online tools so we can recommend them to our patrons. It also means having more available on our site, allowing our patrons to do more with it.

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