Saturday, December 8, 2007

Out of order

I now I'm weird for doing the wiki Things last, but for some reason I just couldn't get into them. But hey, once I did everything else I couldn't put them off any longer.

#17 Creating the LPLS Staff Wiki

I added Checking out Without Card / With Someone Else’s Card and Renewing Materials to the wiki. I found out that our wiki doesn't like "/" in the address so the section that should be called "Checking out Without Card / With Someone Else’s Card" got the address and name "Checking Out Without Card". But the article itself is still named correctly when you go to it.

I think this thing is pretty useful. You don't have to worry about not having someone around who knows all the rules better than you do. If there's ever a question about what you can or can't do, you just go to the wiki. Simple as that.

As for other uses... I can't really think of anything at the moment, except this, for staff to use it for. I'm sure there's something thogh. But as for patrons, my usual idea of book recommendations. They could go in and give a description of the book and recommomd similar authors or series.

Friday, December 7, 2007

#16 What's in a Wiki?

I looked at the BookLoversWiki. It kinda reminds me of Amazon's review system. Only instead of having everyone leave their own comments about the book, they all just edit the one.

One of the main uses for a Wiki I can think of, as with so many of the other Things we've covered, is for book recommendations. Patrons can go in and add their comments on a book or edit existing comments/reviews, they could also suggest similar authors. We could too, of course.

#24 The End? Or Just The Beginning?

Probably my favorite Thing we did would have to be either the RSS feeds or YouTube. The RSS feeds are just so useful. They make it so much easier to keep track of all my favorite comics and news sites. I wasn't really sure I'd like using them as much as I do. And YouTube reacquainted me with Conan the Librarian. I'm definitely going to continue using Bloglines, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and listen to a couple of the podcast I came across. I'd definitely participate in another program. As long as there is a prize, that is.

#23 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

With this Thing I found far more amusing podcasts than stuff that was actually useful. I finally managed to find one that didn't seem idiotic or possibly obscene.

The podcast I settled on is Collected Comics Library. It's described as "The premiere podcast for news and information for DC Archive Editions, Marvel Masterworks, Marvel Essentials, other high-end comic books and trade paperbacks!" He talks about new items coming out and reviews new releases. This could be helpful in my ordering.

#22 Downloading Audiobooks & Videos

The last time I tried looking up I Am America (And So Can You) on R.E.A.D.S it wasn't available. I'm quite happy to see it's there now. I think I'll listen to it over winter break while I clean. As far as MyLibraryDV goes, there were only one or two movies listed that I'd want to watch. I might watch some of the cooking shows though. And maybe a couple of the book shows.

R.E.A.D.S would be a very good application for those patrons who just can't wait for the actual item to come in. Some of them can get quite upset over stuff taking too long. MyLibrayDV would be better if it had a more up to date selection. Yeah it's got Boohbah *shudders*, but what about the Puzzle Place? Or just more recent movies. They don't even have to be big movies, the most recent documentaries and/or independent films would be fine.

Also, I thought it was kinda weird that the guided tour talked out how to burn stuff. Uhh... I thought we were against that.

#21 You Too Can YouTube

I kinda got sidetracked on this one. I'd completely forgotten about "Conan the Librarian".

I love YouTube. I actually use it to watch anime, among other things. YouTube has the potential to be helpful to a library. We could post videos of some of your events to try to build interest in future events or post some how-to videos linked from our site. "How to use the Express Checkout" or "How to Cancel a Reservation". Or hey, patrons could make purchase requests through videos, saying why they think we should add the item. We could also have our staff picks done by video, with us explaining why we like the book.

#20 Discovering Other Web 2.0 Tools

Alright, so I started out by trying out the game sites since I love games. Arcaplay had some potential but after leaving the site I was never able to get it to load again. Not sure what the problem is there. All the other game sites were not really worth bothering with. I'd suggest just going to Shockwave or Pogo.

Next I fooled around with Pandora. This is a site I've used before. You enter a song name or artist and it plays music similar to that song or artist. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly why the song was picked though. I swear one time it told me the background music was similar. It's possible to find some good music with this application. I know come of your younger patrons would like that it pulls up J-Pop artists.

Neither of these areas, games or music, seem very helpful to libraries. N=but the only other thing I was interested in was books and the sites for those weren't anything I liked.

#19 Social Networking

Well, I'm to old to really get any use out of two of the sites, I'm not a professional, and Bookspoke just annoyed me. That means I have to fall back on the two sites I've dealt with.

MySpace is a good place to go if you want to keep track of you favorite artists and authors. Now even some publishing companies are posting web exclusive (or so they claim) material. I watch Dark Horse Comics and am about to start watching Del Ray Manga. You can also keep in touch with your friends and all that, of course.

Facebook is a bit more fun. It serves the same basic functions as MySpace but it also has loads of applications you can add to your account to kill time, better show your interests, or just make it more interesting. This is where I keep track of my books instead of Librarything. The Virtual Bookshelf just seems so much more inviting to me. Also, this site is more about person to person than person to celebrity.

I don't really see how these would help the library. Maybe if we had more/regular teen programs we could get their input or patrons could get in touch with someone who orders certain books. Or maybe getting authors to visit. But other than that i don't really see much use for it in the library.

#18 Web-Based Apps Increase Productivity

I played around with Google Docs. This seems like a great tool. It's something I wish had been back before I got Word. It has all the same features I normally use and doesn't cost a thing. I can also do all my papers and such without having to worry about saving it externally and keeping track of which disk it's on or emailing them to myself whenever I'm done for the moment.

It's also great that you can access your files from any computer with internet access. The main downside I see to this is if you happen to find yourself with a paper to finish but no internet. You're left with no way to get to your files.